Thursday, November 25, 2010

Toon Boom Choice

Here is a digital animation I made for my toon boom assignment.
First off I'd liek to say that I enjoy toon boom a lot more then flash. Not sure why, but it has an approach to animation that I feel I can comprehend better. Unfortunatly it seems a bit out of my price range and a student like me wouldn't have much of a use for it at the moment. I hope to become better friends with it in the future.

Many of my peers say they really dislike Toom Boom and digital animation in general. Which is a shame I think because I feel like I've learnt so much from it. There are a few things as to which I am getting used to. Overlapping action is one of them. As I animation my key poses, recoveries, and antics, I'm having a bit of diffaculty animating things like the hair settling and the scarf because those key poses falls on different frames then my main animation's key poses.
I also think I need to spend a bit of time and put a little bit more care into my drawings. The hands annoy me in a general note, some with a few of the mouths. There is just something not smooth about them that I think I would like the time to tweak and smooth out.
Now that I completed this animation I now know what I would like to do as far as building characters. As well as good mouths and hands, I can understand why someone might like to build characters with one piece for the arm or two. I can think of a lot of different ways to build eyes and feet that I think I should of tried. Or that I still plan to try.

All in all I enjoy Toon Boom quite a bit and I am excitied to hone my skills on it.

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